Thursday, 15 June 2017

Meme me up.

So as you may have guessed from the title and what is possibly one of my favourite memes around:


If you read that and envisioned me shouting it then you would be correct; I just yelled it at my dog, who is now looking at me with a mix of confusion and pity. Totally worth it. This time in seven weeks (cheeky white blood cell count permitting) I will have received my final dose of chemotherapy and will be patiently waiting for my hair to grow back. There is a little question mark over what happens after chemotherapy (which I will briefly explain to you all next - stay tuned!) but meh to all of that because I hate chemo and I don't care who knows it. Plus I am slightly obsessed with the idea of having a bubble bath, currently I am unable to do that because of my PICC line - first world problems, amirite? So if anyone wants to throw me an impromptu "Halfway through chemo" party then I am totally down, just don't make it a surprise so that I make sure I have one of my wigs on at the time. OK?

Now for a brief explanation of the whole post-chemo plan - previously I was all set to have radiotherapy; this involves a whole load of high-energy waves directed at the specific spot (that Larry so recently kindly vacated) every day for two and a half weeks. Recently, however, I had an appointment with the genetics team as everyone I've met is pretty much shaking their heads and wondering how a 27-year-old with minimal family history got cancer. I wish I could help, but I'm just as confused as them to be honest. At my genetics appointment they explained that I am now being tested for three specific gene mutations; I won't bore you with the technical details but in a nutshell finding these mutations in me could either mean that I'm at a high risk of getting breast cancer again or I'm at a high risk of basically having any soft-tissue cancer in the future (depending on if and which specific mutation they identify). Does that make sense? If not tough, I can't think of an easier explanation. 

What that means in terms of the plan is that if any mutations are found they will offer me a full mastectomy (read total boob lop-off job) in order to completely minimise the breast cancer recurrence risk; I'm putting it out there now that if they offer it to me I will take it. Me and my boobs aren't great friends at the minute and you know what? I'd rather stay alive. Plus I will be looking forward to the completely awesome tattoo I will get where those bad boys used to be, so onwards and upwards I guess. On the flip side, if nothing is found then we will carry on with the radiotherapy as planned, meaning I will and forevermore have very wonkily-sized boobs. I'm getting a tattoo either way though, just try and stop me Mum.

That's pretty much all my cancer updates for now. My hair is still falling out like it's abandoning a sinking ship, chemo still sucks and people are still 100% awesome. Although, on a non-cancer related subject (I know right? There apparently is more to my life than cancer! I don't believe it either) Warren and I have booked most of our honeymoon! We're cruising the Caribbean for a bit (my choice) and then heading to Vegas for the rest (Warren's choice) - if you know Warren then you probably wouldn't have bet on us not going to Vegas to be honest. So basically let's get this wedding over so that I can go on my Honeymoon!*

*Massive joke - I'm also super excited about the wedding too.

Until next time, blog fans!

Love, Meg xx

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  1. Yay for getting halfway through you bloody hero! Hope the results come soon so you finally have a concrete end in sight. Still super excited about the wedding, but man I'm jealous if your honeymoon plans. You have to get matching cruise outfits with hats, so you fit in with all the Americans. Also, vegas may be for Warren but they have in-and-out burger there now which is meant to be amazing. Xxx

    1. Hahaha thank you! I'll mention the matching outfits to Warren! Definitely up for eating burgers anywhere, we'll check that place out - I'm so excited about it all Xx

  2. You are a strong young amazing lady. Keep strong Megan, you will be a beautiful bride. Hen do needs to be planned with Portland crew !! Big hugs sweetheart, Ps. I like the long red wig, wicked xxx

    1. Thank you :) Yes, I am definitely up for that! Xx

  3. You're plain amazing lovely Meg xxx

  4. Well done on reaching the half way mark Megan. You are amazing! Stay positive and strong and keep inspiring us all. Lots of love. Xxx Andrea

    1. I will try! Thanks Andrea! I'm missing you and all the lovely midwives at Luton xx
