Friday, 27 January 2017

The wonderful world of pre op.

Good evening blog fans!

I know I've kept you waiting a few days for an update on the crazy world of Meg and Larry but worry not, it's finally here! Now, I apologise in advance about this post as there really isn't that much to tell you all; don't stop reading just yet though, I promise I'll try to make you smile anyway.

I have mainly spent my time distracting myself by making things for my upcoming wedding. Yes it is still upcoming, nothing is being stopped because of Larry. He can get lost, we're still getting married in 2018 and it's still going to be awesome - shabby chic awesome to be exact. Worst case scenario is that I am bald and that just means I get to wear an awesome wig, right? Right.

The other thing I have been doing, embarrassingly, is telephoning the poor Macmillan breast care nurses with any and every question that pops into my head. I honestly bet those lovely ladies regret giving me their phone number now, I can almost hear them inwardly sighing when they realise it's me, but they have been absolutely amazing and are currently resisting actually outwardly sighing - which would be very awkward. In all seriousness I cannot fault them at all - big up those nurses. When this is all over (which it totally will be) I am 100% fundraising for Macmillan, they deserve it.

Now for the proper update, and the reason I have written this post - today was my pre-operation assessment appointment, which was pretty standard; height, weight, blood pressure, health questionnaire etc etc. Nothing much to report on except two things: firstly the staff at St Albans hospital are amazing, I have not met anyone yet who I haven't liked so a big thank you to them all; secondly (and maybe most importantly) today I found out that I HAVE SHRUNK! By two centimetres! What is that about?!? Talk about kicking me when I'm down, eh? Thanks for that, gravity. Warren thoroughly loved that, he made sure he mentioned it a good few times during the car journey home!

So, ta dah! That's my update for you so far. Tune in next week as I'll be discussing my MRI (fun topic, right?) and the experience of, what I imagine it will be like having not had one before, being squeezed in a machine like a tube of toothpaste. Miss it and miss out!

Also if I haven't made you smile yet, like I promised I would - here's one of my favourite terrible jokes:

What did the cheese say when it looked in the mirror?


You're welcome, feel free to reuse that one.

Love, Meg and Larry xx

P.S. Liking my story? Why not follow or subscribe by email below? I promise I won't bombard you with lots of blog posts, I'm strictly a every few weeks kinda gal.


  1. I hope your jokes get better soon!!!�� Lots of love Mandy xxx

  2. You haven't shrunk- you've always been shorter than me, it's just been confirmed! Ha! Love you (shorty) xxx

  3. Love a cheese joke :)

    Which cheese would you use to coax a bear down from a tree?

