Saturday, 21 January 2017

The big reveal.

I know what you're thinking - another flipping update?

Don't worry, it's a quick one today; just a bit of advice for anyone who is reading this (now or in the future) and they themselves have recently been diagnosed with cancer. 

That one bit of advice is tell people

It doesn't matter how you do it, no one cares if it's face-to-face or not, just flipping well do it. Today I told a whole load of friends (again, via the wonder that is Whatsapp - still not completely over the crying problem when I say it out loud) and I am glad that I did tell them. The amount of support I have received today is phenomenal, way beyond what I ever imagined; I have never felt stronger in my life and it is down to all those people. It makes me think that I do have the power to kick Larry's arse and that is what I plan to do.

If you are reading this and you are one of those people who found out today (or any day since my diagnosis, let's not ignore those brilliant people too, OK?) then from the bottom of my heart I thank you. You are, and forever will be, awesome in my eyes. Feel free to put that on your CV, if you're lucky I may even make you all badges.

If you are reading this at any point in the future and are coping with a new diagnosis please please tell people. It doesn't have to be everyone but someone once said "a problem shared is a problem halved". I don't know who said it and I can't really be bothered to find out (got bigger problems over here, alright? Cut me some slack guys), but for me it was definitely relevant today. Larry's not going anywhere just yet but every time someone gives me support I feel like the problem that is Larry gets smaller in my mind. And that's enough for now.

Love, Meg and Larry xx

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  1. Glad you are feeling the love Meg, sending more your way. Praying, as we did in Church this morning, that you will beat Larry into non-existence!

    1. Thank you! I'm planning to do just that :) xx

  2. Lots of people love you Meg (Larry not so much) Know I speak for all the what's up crew - anything we can do just say x Paul B
