Thursday, 18 January 2018

Year we go.


Today I feel that I have to write a blog post as it's a particularly important date; one year ago today I received the life-changing news that the lump I jokingly named Larry was in fact cancerous and out to kill me. Blunt but true. A year ago today my world got turned upside-down and things that I thought were important became significantly less so, all that was important at that stage was how I was going to kick Larry's little arse. And we did; now here I am in remission - with approximately 75% less hair but alive. I owe my life to the fabulous medical teams at both St Albans & Mount Vernon hospitals; I cannot thank them enough, they were bloody AMAZING. I also want to thank each and every one of you out there, I genuinely feel as though I would never have got through this with half as much strength if it hadn't been for all the love and support you have given me. 

If I have learnt anything throughout this (at times seemingly never-ending) journey it is this: don't waste your time stressing about the little stuff. Do what makes you happy, spend time with people that make you happy and the rest will sort itself out. Life is short but people are awesome, I'm happy for you to quote me on that!

I also have to send a shout out to the people I worked with on Monday (especially the particularly fantastic Irena). On Monday I found a lump in my armpit and I freaked out - not just a small freak out, it was a very messy affair. I've now had a scan and it's all absolutely fine but I just want to thank everyone who witnessed my freak out and calmed me down, I bloody love you all. One day I'm sure I will stop freaking out about every tiny change in my body and I canny wait! Cancer will not beat me but it is at the forefront of my mind most days so I apologise to anyone that thinks I talk about it too much. I'm trying to stop! 

I've decided that 2018 is going to be one huge year of awesomeness, whether it likes it or not. I have many plans already: getting married in May, honeymoon and I'm off to Ireland twice - once on St Patrick's weekend where we're dressing up as cheese (don't ask, I'm going to be mascarpone though!) and the second time in June when me and my bestie are going skinny dipping with hundreds of other ladies (most have been affected by cancer in some way) to break the world record! Bring. It. On. Watch out 2018, I'm coming for you.

Now to end I'm going to leave you with some song lyrics from one of the songs that got me through some particularly nasty times (looking at you, chemotherapy):

"If you wake up and don't want to smile,
If it takes just a little while,
Open your eyes and look at the day,
You'll see things in a different way.

Don't stop, thinking about tomorrow,
Don't stop, it'll soon be here,
It'll be, better than before,
Yesterday's gone, yesterday's gone."

Yup, that is 'Don't Stop' by Fleetwood Mac. Yup, I have just quoted it at you. If you ever are having a crap time I guarantee that song will help, give it a go.

Until next time, team!

Love, Meg xx

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