It's a big, awesome update today blog fans!
Wowsers - it has been well over a month since my last post! Sorry about that avid readers out there but worry not as I have many updates for you today. Strap yourself in, it's about to go down.Update number one and possibly the most important thing in my cancer journey so far: I HAVE ONLY GONE AND FLIPPING FINISHED CHEMOTHERAPY! I'm currently doing a small 'happy dance' as I type (and shout) that. My final dose was last Wednesday and I really wanted to post and update you all earlier but unfortunately the side-effects decided they weren't leaving without a bang; cue every single side-effect I've ever mentioned/struggled with appearing all on the same day and refusing to leave. Like socially awkward party guests they're still here but are slowly getting the hint that it's time to head home; if I could turn all the lights off and get them out sooner I totally would. The only thing keeping me sane is the thought that once they're gone, THEY'RE GONE. Finito. Never to ever appear again. I can't really remember what it was like when I felt 'normal' but I cannot wait for that day! Chemotherapy please consider yourself beaten, I owned you like a boss.
Although I have to say that my body didn't make my final dose easy, on the Monday prior to chemo I had my standard blood tests and found out that my pesky white blood cells were too low to even have the final dose. We rocked up on Wednesday as planned and they repeated the blood tests again, we then patiently waited to see if chemo would go ahead or be postponed by a week (Longest. Twenty. Minutes. Ever.) Luckily those little buggers had got their act together and multiplied to a good level (much appreciation for those little guys) so now here we are! I have to say I don't think the nurse was quite prepared for my ecstatic response when she told me that I would be having chemotherapy that day - I almost hugged her but then I quickly remembered I don't really like physical contact so I controlled myself. It was close though.
Here's a collage that I made of my time in the chemo suite:
Me and my many chins give Mount Vernon Chemotherapy Suite a big 'thumbs up'. Five stars but unfortunately I wouldn't go again.
"So Meg, is your cancer journey over now?" I hear you all ask? Unfortunately not team, now I'm moving on to the joy that is radiotherapy. Radiotherapy is where high-energy radiation is fired specifically at the site that Larry so recently vacated. I am scheduled for 18 doses in total, which means that, from 11th September, every day (Mon-Fri) for three and a half weeks I will pop over to Mount Vernon to be blasted with radiation for a few minutes. What a life! The plus side is that there are less side effects in comparison to the beast that is chemotherapy so I'm all over it like a rash.
Speaking of radiotherapy, today I went for my pre-radiotherapy planning appointment. This is a posh way of saying that I laid topless on a bench, had a little scan and then got tattooed (yes, you read that right - tattooed) with three little dots on my chest so that they know where to position the machine each day. That is one tattoo that I'm not overly keen on showing off, let me tell you. Also, I can now add three more to the list of people that have seen my boobs - it's almost getting to the point that I'd happily show anyone if they asked nicely enough. It's funny how matter of fact you become about showing people your boobs when you've had to whip your top off many many times! Page 3 here I come.
I have just realised that I have gone this long without updating you all on one thing that I am more than over the moon about - after my last chemotherapy dose they took out my PICC line which meant that I HAD MY LONG-AWAITED, MUCH-ANTICIPATED BATH! There's a lot of shouting in this blog today isn't there? I am unapologetic about that though, these awesome things definitely deserve it. Here's a photo of that epic moment for you all:
So. Many. Bubbles. And. So. Much. Awesomeness. I didn't want to leave and I've never seen my fingers so wrinkly than when I eventually dragged myself out. That definitely wins the best bath of all time award, I've only showered since as I'm worried my next bath will be a bit anticlimactic. We shall see. Also, those are my knees and not really pointy boobs. Having Larry the lump removed back in February means that unfortunately my boobs will never look like that, so I promise you that those are knees.
For now I think those are all the updates I've got for you, I'm waiting for my hair to grow back and am a little bit excited to see it again. It's only been one week since my last dose, and I know that it can take a month or more, but every morning I find myself holding my breath and cautiously inspecting my head. It's like a long-lost friend returning, although if my body hair would like to stay away forever then I can't say I'll be upset. Yay to head, eyebrow and eyelash hair returning but boo to everything else.
So that's it for today team, thanks for tuning in everyone. Hopefully my chemo side-effects sod off, it's my birthday in two days and I really hope they're not holding out to join the celebration. I bet they are, the cheeky little sods.
Love, Meg xx
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