Sunday, 1 September 2019

So it's been a while...

Oh, hi guys!

I last wrote a blog post in July 2018 - say whaaaat? I can't believe it's been that long - I guess the old saying is true and time does actually fly when you're having fun, right?! In view of this I thought I'd just write a little post to let you know that: 


That's right folks, I kicked Larry's butt and am continuing to do so. It's like I sent him on a round the world travelling trip and he's decided not to come back. Am I sad though? Am I heck. Stay away Larry, you life-stealing twonk.

The post-cancer life is not without it's drawbacks though, unfortunately; I am still a regular at the hospital anytime I have a 'twinge' (if they offered a loyalty card program then I'd definitely be one of the people with the most stamps), although I am hoping that this will change as time goes on and I learn to become less terrified and actually trust my body a little bit more. Time will tell on that one I guess. I have to say that I cannot fault the NHS though, they always fit me in and are always very nice to me - so ta very muchly St Albans hospital, you absolute bunch of wonders.

As I am writing this I have also realised that I probably need to address another change that has happened this year. So ladies and gentleman, please let me introduce the elephant in the room - this specific elephant has just happened to turn thirty a few weeks ago. That's right! The big 3-0.
Just so we're clear, that elephant is me (ha!) and I'm still waiting for my huge life-affirming 'epiphany' to rock up and slap me in the face. Currently I feel very much the same as I did when I was 29. Oh well.
It is a very weird feeling though, as society tells me that I'm supposed to be absolutely shocked and appalled that I've turned thirty; to be perfectly blunt I have to say that I'm genuinely still happy to be here. Every year is a huge f*** you to cancer - so bring it life, I'll take whatever you've got as long as I still get to be around. Morbid but true unfortunately. Here's a little joke (that I love) to cheer you all up though:

The other day I found a lion in hiding in my wardrobe, when I asked him what he was doing he told me it was "Narnia business".

Gettit? NARNIA BUSINESS!!! It's a good joke, no? You're welcome to use that one!

Speaking of turning thirty, I would also like to say a huge thank you to everyone that came to my party and for all the gifts and cards I received. I bloody love each and every one of you - thank you for making me feel like an absolute queen! If I make it to 40 then I probably will be a lot more civilised (HA!) and probably won't throw a party like that. So thanks team! You bloody awesome bunch of people, you!

Finally, in other news my sisters (sisters'? I don't really understand apostrophes. Apologies about that) have done it again and I currently have two new nieces or nephews cooking, one due in December and one in January. Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! I'm very excited! Fun Aunty Meg (I mean, that name is definitely self-titled but I feel like it's not a lie) is ready for you!

That's me done for now, I'll just leave you with a little family selfie.The more eagle-eyed readers may spot that it is an old selfie (my hair is now quite orange - intentionally orange and I am unashamed of that) but this one includes Toby. Who doesn't love a dog selfie, amiright?

Awww he's so hairy and slobbery, plus Toby doesn't look too bad either. Pahahaha!

Bye for now - thanks everyone!

Love, Meg xx

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