So, it's been a while...
Hello again blog readers! Firstly I would like to apologise for not posting for a little while; I am loving this whole blog thing but unfortunately I didn't have any particularly juicy updates for you (I will explain why a little bit later). I wasn't sure people wanted to hear about my general day, which would have included highlights such as "Today I treated myself to a bath instead of a shower - crazy times!" and "The train to work was slightly quieter today meaning I got a seat - I am winning!". So I thought I'd save you from reading delightful tidbits like those. This time I actually have news, so read on blog fans!Now before I update you on the truly fascinating world of cancer treatment I need to tell you about something bloody fantastic that happened on Friday - my amazing sister gave birth to a little boy! I now have a nephew! Introducing baby Rory:
There he is, isn't he cute? There I am too, but let's just ignore my pale and pasty face shall we? I'm posting this because a) I'm super excited and proud of my sister and her husband and b) he is now my reminder that, despite cancer's best efforts, life still goes on. There's no point having my life on pause because it means that I miss out on amazing things like this. So yeah, I'm a pretty proud Auntie right now.
OK so back to the whole cancer thing. Before I go on I just want to put a little disclaimer: if you are a person who is anyway offended/disgusted by anyone discussing a woman's period then I recommend that you skip the next paragraph as that is what I will be talking about. You will know that the person I am describing is you if you found yourself wincing when you read the word "period". Do yourself a favour, skip the next bit.
There is a reason I'm talking about my monthly "gift" (I'm not just a weirdo who drops it into conversation, OK?) - when I last posted I was waiting to start my pre-chemo fertility treatment and egg harvesting; waiting is the important word here, I had all the medication and had to start this on the second day of my period. Apparently my body heard this and thought "we've already given her the stress of cancer, now let's be extra-special jerks and make her wait two extra weeks for her period". That happened, thanks uterus. Fast forward through major stresses (including a freak out at work; huge thank you to my fellow Midwives for calming me down that day and I'm very very sorry!) and it has finally come. If 'my period was late but now it's here' parties aren't a thing then they bloody well should be.
If you skipped that paragraph then a big welcome back to the stress that is my life. So now here I am, day six of my daily injections -lucky me, right? Today I had a scan which found that things are progressing nicely and as to be expected (I'm sure nobody wants the ins and outs of what exactly is happening with my ovaries, if you do then feel free to message me and I will give you a blow-by-blow account of fertility treatment) So this evening I started a second injection that goes with the first. Yay! Before all this I often hoped I would be injecting myself twice daily; now all my wishes have come true! Next comes a scan every other day until they determine that my eggs are ready to be "harvested"; tune in for that installment, it will be thrilling! I have to give a big shout-out to anyone who has ever gone through all this fertility treatment without complaining publicly; kudos to every one of you ladies, you are awesome and should be mighty proud of yourselves. For myself, I just can't wait for it to be over; although over means that chemo begins so maybe I'll just stay in fertility land forever? There's babies and stuff, it's pretty nice here.
Tah dah! That's my life so far. I hoped you enjoyed reading my update and would like to continue on my journey with me. I would really appreciate it if you did; it's nice to know there's people out there reading my terrible attempts at humour and (hopefully) chuckling to themselves a little bit. That's enough for me!
Also, I can't end this update without naming a very lovely man called Keith who works at Mount Vernon. This genuine beaut of a man stepped up and re-arranged my chemo dates for me (I had to push them back due to the whole period debacle) without a single complaint. If you ever need chemo, and from the bottom of my soul I wish that none of you ever do, then I hope he is the man you deal with. I think I love him a little bit. Thanks awesome Keith from Mount Vernon.
So, most important thing to remember from this update is this: fun Auntie Meg has a new nephew! Oh and there was that stuff about fertility, but just look at his face one more time - isn't he lovely?
Peace out blog fans.
Love, Meg xx
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