Saturday, 23 December 2017

More from me...

Hello again!

Now I know what you all must be thinking, something along the lines of "But she doesn't even have cancer anymore, why is she blogging still?" The cold, hard truth is that I love it too much to stop - so deal with it. It may possibly be because I love talking about myself but here we are. One of the many things cancer has made me realise is that I need to stop living my life as if I'm permanently apologising for existing. So I like blogging and I will continue to do it until I'm the only one reading my blogs - even then I'm still going to do it. OK? Glad we got that sorted.

First things first - a big MERRY CHRISTMAS to you all! Tis the season to be jolly and all that jazz, I hope Santa brings you all everything you wish for (if you've been good boys and girls obviously). Here's a little Christmas themed photo for you all:

Yes that is Warren and I, posing with Toby as if he was our child - I am fully unashamed of that fact. In fact, I'm so unashamed that I almost printed it and sent it as our Christmas card. Maybe next year?

Now for a few little updates in the (quite frankly thrilling) life of me. Firstly, not many people know but I had a scan booked in for a few weeks ago as I thought I had found another lump. As you can probably imagine it was a particularly nerve wracking time and brought back a few flashbacks of last January - something I'm not overly keen on reliving to be honest. I am happy to report that there is nothing to report, except for scar tissue which was the cause of the lumps and my teeter on the edge of a breakdown. So yay! Larry hasn't returned! I like to imagine that he's off on a beach somewhere living it up and has no desire to come back. Fingers crossed, right?

Next on the agenda: I have been back at work since November but have just finished my second week of doing actual clinical work - wahoo! I am doing a phased return so am currently only doing two short shifts a week but by the beginning of February I will be back to full time (and full normality!) again. It is at this point that I need to do a mahoosive shout-out to the bloody brilliant people that I work with - I was such a nervous wreck at the thought of coming back but you are all absolutely amazing people who have welcomed me back and made me feel massively loved; thank you for everything - from generally supporting me and putting up with my million student-esque questions to just telling me that my hair looked OK - I bloody love you! Don't go changing, team.

Thirdly, I can't let this blog publish without telling you about the time Faye (one of my besties and soon to be bridesmaid) and I met Greg James (yup, radio 1 Greg James). I entered a prize draw with Coppafeel (flipping amazing charity - check them out) and won tickets to an Oh Wonder gig (flipping amazing music - check them out) with Greg James. Such. A. Good. Night. Surreal, but good. Since having cancer I am trying to do (and plan) more exciting things and this definitely counts as one of those things. So Greg I'm pretty sure you'll never ever stumble across this blog but if you ever do then thank you.

A final update from me (and shameless plug, for which I apologise) is that I started a little Etsy shop. The main reason I chose to do this is because I did a lot of crochet throughout my treatment and have since come to the realisation that Warren isn't as obsessed with crochet as I am - funny that! So I would like to sell them to people that will love them as much as me. If you're interested, my little shop can be found at
Get involved!

That's all for now, folks. Hope you enjoyed my teeny tiny update and are still planning to continue reading future (just as exciting) updates - if you are then thank you. If you're not then thank you for sticking with me this far, I hope you live a long and happy life and never ever meet Larry or any of his friends.

Have a lovely Christmas everyone!

Love, Meg xx

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